Mar 11, 2009

Presentation Outline - Benson

“Hong Kong Cyberculture: A Case Study” by Amy Lai Tak-yee

1. Introduction
- Highlight what John Perry Barlow statement about Jurgen Habermas’s "public sphere” can applies in the Internet. People can express freely without restriction.

2. Case: Amy Lai provides ICERED case to criticize Barlow’s statement through:
- “Your English sucks!” --> the poster’s English standard
- "The Unbearable ‘White-ness’ of ICERED” -->the races, gender problems
- "Man are after sex, woman, after money” --> gender battle
- Issues of homophobia

3. Analysis
- Marginalization exist online same as offline
- Public sphere fail to exist in the Internet
- Impacts from virtual world may bring to the real world, or even co-exist

1 comment:

  1. The overall presentation is ok, I think. As Wesley commented in the morning, the last point of my presentation need more focus on the point: “…things do not just begin and end in the virtual world, but in fact exert their impact on the real world.”
    I agree that I only mention how users want to have “stardom” at ICERED. But it is difficult to present 20 pages reading in three minutes. Lastly, thank you our classmates to discuss with us at the end of our presentation!
